Speed Figures and
Variants - Part 2
by Charles Carroll
There’s nothing more
basic to speed or pace figures than the accuracy of the times used to make
them. When I was working on the book, “Handicapping Speed,” part
of the research was to trace the handling of time and speed from the mechanics
of the gates, through the entire timing system, up to the photo finish
booth, onto the timing slips, into the hands of the typists and publicity
directors, to the point where it was passed on by the tracks to (at that
time) the Daily Racing Form.
In spite of all of the different
technologies and all the hands that the data passed through, the greatest
potential for errors affecting speed and pace handicappers appeared
to be the judgment calls that are made in estimating "lengths back" of
That "appearance" was because I was
making a major, unconscious assumption, which was that once the times were
recorded in seconds and hundredths-of-seconds—that was the end of it.
From that point on, I imagined that perhaps a typo could creep in, but
what else could go wrong?
Then one day last winter, a large
envelope arrived from a fellow handicapper. In it were printouts
of race results from tracks around the country—in triplicate.
Times had been circled in red pen and there were numerous handwritten notes
with exclamation points, and an irate letter asking why one of the racing
data suppliers was providing different times at the points of call and/or
finish in virtually every set of past performances. Since Equibase
now provides all data, he asked, why was this one supplier wrong
so often?
[I must add right here that AXCIS
was not among the suppliers and I do not know how they handle this
issue. The rest, you can figure out.]
I had been using raw data files from
three of the suppliers for some time and knew the raw numbers were essentially
the same, but I never happened to print out all three suppliers’ own representations
of their data after it was converted to fifths, for the same race.
Sure enough, there frequently was a difference of a fifth-of-a-second
between times at any given split or at the finish. This “wrong” supplier
was consistently slow—but the occurrence of errors seemed to be random.
Anyone who doesn’t deal with times
and speeds in horseracing might shrug—a fifth-of-a-second isn’t much.
But a fifth-of-a-second is the fundamental unit of measure in thoroughbred
racing, originally because it was the unit of time on the clocker’s analog
stopwatch. Fifths have continued as the unit of measure out of tradition—and
the fact that they are very convenient.
They represent approximately “one
length” in thoroughbred speed (which I went to great effort to correct
in the speed book, but nevertheless), for eyeball, seat-of-the-pants figuring,
they are extremely convenient and I hope the convention never changes.
So with this in mind, the idea that
one data supplier was frequently—but randomly—slow by a fifth-of-a-second
was a shocking revelation. Since only one was different, everyone
who looked at the numbers assumed that they were wrong. I had raw data
on hand from all three suppliers for the same races, so it took just a
few minutes to see what was going on. This turned out to be an even bigger
shock. The one data supplier which differed from all the rest—Handicapper’s
Daily (ITS)—was right!
Every bet I had ever lost while entering
race times by hand in fifths flashed before my eyes.
There is no ironic twist coming.
Those twenty-odd years of bets—and sometimes inexplicable time results—are
still passing before my eyes.
In all of my own computer programs,
since data has been available off the Internet in decimal-seconds format,
I have routinely used the same little algorithm I wrote at the very beginning.
It takes the raw time in hundredths and rounds it to the nearest
fifth. This is not ingenious. How else would
any handicapper—interested in speed or pace—do it? It never occurred
to me to do it any other way. Apparently, the rest of the world does
it differently.
I talked about this situation briefly
in my presentation at the Daily Racing Form “Expo 2000” last spring
in Las Vegas. I have not listened to the tape, but I think if you
do, you’ll hear that I was almost apologetic—I’m not sure why. You
may also hear a statement from someone in the audience to the effect, “The
has always said it rounds down.”
I hate to break the news, but what
they do is not “rounding,” it is truncating. They simply drop
whatever fraction-of-a-second is leftover, down to the lower fifth-of-a-second.
From the few brief comments from
the Expo audience, I got the impression that some thought “rounding down”
was OK, since it is consistently applied. The practice itself
may be consistent, but the result upon racing times displayed for the public
is not.
What this means, in short, is this:
a horse wins a 6 furlong race in 69.99 seconds, and another horse wins
a different race in 70.00 seconds. The times are 0.01 seconds
apart—one one-hundredth-of-a-second—far less than a heartbeat.
If you truncate the first decimal fraction to the lower fifth-of-a-second,
it leaves 69.8, which shows up in print as 1:09:4. The second time
of 70 seconds flat doesn’t need to be truncated, so it prints as 1:10:0.
Two horses—less than a lip apart—are now a length apart
on paper (about a length-and-a-third, by my figures).
There is no way a handicapper can
tell, by simply looking at the fifths or manipulating them in any way,
whether the raw data was truncated a lot—or not at all.
You may have noticed that the Form
has added the time in hundredths-of-a-second, along with fifths, for most
races in their printed charts and in the results displayed on the Web.
This is a step in the right direction, but as you can see immediately by
comparing a few times in the two formats, they have not changed from the
method of truncating to the lower fifth. And it does you no good
if you are getting your data from past performance lines—where I am
not for a minute advocating a change to decimal seconds. Fifths are
much easier to read and I like them in the PPS—I just like them
to be a little more accurate.
Some might argue that this inaccuracy
has not hurt handicappers, again because it is “consistent.” However,
it is not consistent. Horses randomly run times of 0.00, 0.01.
0.02, etc., until 0.19 rolls over to the next fifth at 0.2. If you
are a pace handicapper, and one horse runs to the first call in 21.99 while
another runs the same distance in 21.80, yet both are represented as “21:4”
does the difference of a length interest you?
Time |
Time 1 |
Time 2 |
When decimals are truncated, all
of the times in the columns above are considered equal. Note that the times
between splits can “accordion,” becoming longer or shorter, randomly, depending
upon where a horse happens to hit a decimal.
I can only speculate on why they
came up with this truncating convention to begin with, or why they stick
by it. As long as they do, however, the best advice to speed and
pace handicappers is: do not use the converted fifths times from any
of the suppliers who truncate. (The decimal times in the raw data files
currently provided on-line are fine.)
One little surprise of our Handicappers’
Poll was that even among Internet users who download racing information
electronically, almost 20% download it and then crunch the numbers by hand.
This most likely means that they are printing the PPS and using the converted
fifths format. Add to that untold thousands who buy the info already on
paper, and this is a significant part of the handicapping world.
In spite of tongue-in-cheek cracks I’ve made in previous columns about
bad information creating good odds, I don’t wish wrong information
on anyone.
In case it’s not clear what’s going
on here, the raw times in the background are the same. Apparently
with a few exceptions (such as Sun Ray Park, where it seems to come pre-rounded),
the raw times are in seconds, to two decimal places. What happens
to the times after that is up to the suppliers who write the software to
display it. Someone somewhere has written a few lines of computer
code which converts from the decimal format of “21.99” by truncating, to
the fifths format of “21:4." Perhaps you can think of some valid handicapping
reason why this would be desirable. I can't.
If you want to round two-place decimal
seconds to display as fifths in your own spreadsheet or data base, one
quick way is to add 0.005 to the two-place decimal and divide the integer
of the sum by 2. Don't worry if you didn't get that; maybe your data supplier
Until all of the suppliers begin
to round in both directions to the nearest fifth—not truncate to the lower
one—there is a considerable handicapping edge available right now for speed
and pace handicappers who do.